Let us strengthen your business with quality products, optimal trading conditions and world class service.

As a stockist, you need suppliers who support you in your daily operations with easy ordering, fast delivery, trouble-free service - and the quality products that your customers demand. Become a stockist for NPG Brands A/S, and let us strengthen your business. Read more about the benefits we can offer and click at the bottom of the page to create your account today!

Brands in topclass

Increase revenue in your business by offering your customers quality brands from the very top shelf. Our products for pets and outdoor life offer good raw materials, Scandinavian design and innovative product development - for the benefit of your customers and your bottom line.


Streamlined ordering

Log in and place your order in our online shop when it suits you - and get delivery to your door. Download images, catalogs and POS material in our download center. Use our impeccable customer service if you have any questions and take advantage of our ongoing offers. This is what we mean by optimal trading conditions.

Create your account now

Click the button to create a stockist account - it's free and only takes a few moments. As soon as we have processed your information, we will contact you so you can get started.